Wednesday, November 16, 2011

SOLAMON ENERGY-Theatre Tours - Solomon Theatre Company

Areas of expertise are listed below - follow the links for more information. To check for availability, current costs or to request supporting resources (film and lesson plans), please get in touch.

KS3 Alcohol Education - Reducing antisocial behaviour, teen pregnancy, chlamydia, unplanned pregnancies and alcohol related hospital admissions through the hard hitting theatre show "Last Orders" and associated workshops. Dorset Police experienced a 7.8% reduction in alcohol related crime...<more>

KS3 Drugs Education - Reducing cannabis use, improving self-esteem, resistance to peer pressure and empowering students to maintain a drug free year group through the powerful theatre show "Gemma's Wardrobe". Drugs Educators said "I've seen on the faces of the students the message is getting through"...<more>

KS4 Relationships, gangs and knives. - Tackling extremism, prejudice, gang culture and knife crime through the highly moving and powerful play 'Skin Deep' and associated workshops...<more>

KS3/KS4 Healthy Relationships Education - Reducing abusive relationships, bullying, domestic violence and promoting an understanding of healthy relationships and the role of trust through a sensitively pitched, engaging theatre show "The Power of Love". In 2008 the feedback rating was 100% "excellent"...<more>

KS3 Eco-school and Environment Education - Reducing energy use, promoting recycling, waste minimisation, re-use and the global perspective through the highly amusing theatre show "Einstein's Pants". Contributes towards gaining eco-school status…<more>

Distraction Burglary - Reducing distraction burglary, reducing fear of the crime and increasing the reporting through a mesmerising musical "Trickster". First written by PC Andy Saunders, it has now completed over 400 performances...<more>

Fraudulent Trading Reduction - protecting consumers from holiday scams, Internet fraud, identity theft, boiler house scams and false holidays through the enchanting musical "Scambuster". Developed with Trading Standards Officers and performed at the GMEX Manchester...<more>

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