Thursday, September 20, 2012

Nuclear energy can help abate global climate change

According to’s Aug. 26 update on the Arctic sea ice, “We noted earlier that the Arctic sea-ice is approaching a record minimum. The record is now broken, almost a month before the annual sea-ice minima usually is observed, and there is probably more melting in store before it reaches the minimum for 2012 — before the autumn sea-ice starts to form.”

The past 12 months have been the hottest ever in recorded history, nationwide and worldwide. Ice reflects a lot more sunlight back into space than open water does. The melting speeds up global warming.

The change in sea ice causes the jet streams to become wilder, causing more radical weather down here. For agriculture, it means it rains at the wrong time, and there is less food.

Many countries are already having a food crisis. The food crisis will come here if we continue causing more global warming. Over 1,500 U.S. counties are drought disaster areas now. Global warming means no food here by some time just after the middle of this century.

We can do something about global warming. We can convert all fossil-fueled power plants to nuclear.

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